Is coloring actually form of meditation?

So I was in Target a few months back probably spending money of which I probably didn’t have but hey it’s Target… You can rarely find anything there hehe (that was sarcasm for those who don’t know me). Quick story before I get “serious” about this post I went into the wonderful red bullseye of a retail store repeating to myself “only go in, get the Adele CD, look down to the ground, pay for it, and get the hell out of there.” Ha ha ha yeah that didn’t happen. I don’t know what consumed me but when I got to the register I noticed that I got an entire fucking bed set…. LIKE WHAT THE HELL I ONLY WANTED TO COME INTO THIS GREAT PLACE ONLY TO GET THE SOULFUL TUNES OF ADELE 25 NOT COME OUT LIKE A FUCKING HGTV HOME IMPROVEMENT KIND OF BULLSHIT. Yet I didn’t complain because “I needed” a new one anyways, but yeah Target is just ridiculous.

Okay getting back to the main point to this blog post I came across an adult coloring book while looking for something new to read. I looked and saw the coloring book curious as to why this was marketed towards adults since in the title was “Adult Coloring Cats Edition”. I saw small details such as a dust particle floating in the air, beautiful patterns, and cats… So that was my first encounter with adult coloring books. Didn’t know the purpose nor was I interested in getting them. A few other times I overheard people talking about it; heck even some of my close friends were talking about how they love their new pass time of coloring. Never did I pass judgement on them because my usual pass time was laying down in my bed window shopping on amazon crying on how much stuff that I enjoyed were about $1,000+. Then BOOM adult color popped up on my news feed and an article I read told me how this is an amazing trend that causes you to be stress free. So I think tProcessed with VSCO with c1 presethe universe was telling my stressed out but bored self (I know that’s a contradiction but I don’t really know how to describe so piss off) to get one and try it!

So ladies and gents that’s exactly what I did I went out and got myself my very own coloring book. As you can see on the left the title says” The Mindfulness Coloring Book.” While shopping and by that I mean I walked around the mall since I had a walk in appointment with apple to update my mac. The wait time for walk-in appointments would not be till 5 hours  from now… So anyone who has an apple product and you need to go to your Apple store please for the LOVE OF GOD MAKE A FREAKING APPOINTMENT!!!! Anyways I just decided to walk around the mall for a few hours. I went into a store called Box Lunch where I found this beauty. Inside was the introduction to the book a guide if you on hIMG_9221.JPGow to see this book which stumped me since it was a coloring book…

If you’re curious on what it said please just click the picture since I really don’t want to plagiarize nor do I feel like typing.. yeah 100% not wanting to type haha. Which yes that puts me under the lazy category. The focus on an adult coloring book is to stimulate the mind with a sense of accomplishment we as humans always enjoy. A lot has been going on with my life where I feel lost and can’t find my center. I started coloring yesterday around this time and let me tell you.. When coloring I don’t how but a rush of positive energy danced around me and with a big smile on my face I genuinely felt like a child once again. I wasn’t stressing over life and all the crap it keeps throwing at me.. nope it was breathtaking… a sense of peace really and a break from reality.

This is EXACTLY what I needed! I finally had a good day. I started yesterday taking my time to pick what color scheme I’m going to make for a certain design in the book and strategize on what objects I want to stand out or ones that I want to complement the others. You’re right reading thinking “dude what the hell is wrong with you Chris?!” which my response is don’t knock it till you try it (which please don’t take that to literal I don’t want you to do something that’s harmful to your spirit)! My friend and I went to a coloring party at UU where we met up with many who share the same beliefs of coloring and the psychology behind it.  How I could tell that I’m into this whole trend is because during my shift I was getting more anxious by every hour. I was excited to get off work to just color!

So to the people that actually read my blog post of which I thank you dearly I advise you to get an adult coloring book and try it out for yourself! The world can be a harsh place that can make you dig a hole and crawl into it with the feeling of never coming out. Don’t worry either we all experience some type of stress, sadness, anger, etc and people are there for you including myself. Sometimes like I said before being lost with no direction to turn to is a difficult,but now coloring will now be my form of meditation which gives me relief that I finally have something new to help cope with the trails and tribulations. Hell even shoot me a text, phone call, social media I don’t care what type of communication just say “hey lets color?” 90% I will always be down!

Okay well that’s it for me because I need to something? If you guessed color well then you’re captain obvious haha. To answer though with my title being a question and all.. The answer will be yes.. coloring is a great from of meditation! So I hope many of you are living  a great life that mostly is happy . I hope that you always wake up with a smile on your face ready to conquer the day!


Remember you are beautiful…

Chris over and out!

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